After accepting a delivery request, you can follow the navigation directions in your app to arrive at the location of the consumer. Alternatively, you can make use of the 'Contact Customer' feature provided in the app-to either initiate a chat or place a phone call for further directions and instructions.
At the Dispatch location, the app will prompt you to take a picture of the item to be delivered and also to sign in the writing pad(Signature), acknowledging receipt of the package to be delivered.
Afterwards, you can initiate the delivery by tapping the orange 'Start Delivery' button at the bottom of the screen. In instances where this button is greyed out and unresponsive due to wrong selection of pick up point, you can make use of the overflow menu(Denoted by three bullets stacked vertically) at the top right corner of your app to force 'Start Delivery' by tapping it and selecting Start Delivery.