If a product is eligible for return, you may return the product for any of the following reasons:

  1. You received the wrong product. The returned product must be:
    1. In new condition
    2. Unsealed and in its original packaging. 
    3. All accessories and gifts that arrived with the product must be returned
    4. Must not be damaged
    5. Tags and Labels must be attached
  2. Product arrived in damaged or unusable state: The returned product must be:
    1. In the same state that it was received in
    2. All accessories and gifts that arrived with the product must be returned
    3. Tags and Labels must be attached
  3. Missing Parts. The returned product must be:
    1. In new condition
    2. All accessories and gifts that arrived with the product must be returned
    3. Must not be damaged
    4. Tags and Labels must be attached
  4. Product is not as advertised. The returned product must be:
    1. In new condition
    2. All accessories and gifts that arrived with the product must be returned
    3. Must not be damaged
    4. Tags and Labels must be attached
  5. Product does not fit. The returned product must be:
    1. In new condition
    2. All accessories and gifts that arrived with the product must be returned
    3. Must not be damaged
    4. Tags and Labels must be attached
  6. You changed your mind. The returned product must be:
    1. In new condition
    2. Unsealed and in its original packaging. 
    3. All accessories and gifts that arrived with the product must be returned
    4. Must not be damaged
    5. Tags and Labels must be attached